Saturday 11 February 2017

Zone Health Tips

What is the Zone Health Council?
It is the organ of participation of the population of the zone. It is an organ of close and close participation to citizens where individual and community health issues are addressed.
What functions does the Zone Health Council have?
The functions of the Zone Health Council are:
 Know and participate in the health diagnosis of the area.
 Know and participate in the health plan of the area.
 Participate in the development and evaluation of health programs in the area.
 To channel and promote the participation of the community in the activities of promotion and protection of health and especially of education for health.
 To channel and value as many initiatives or suggestions as possible to improve the health care and level of the area.
 Contribute to the revisions of the internal regulation of operation.
 Report the annual report of the team's activities.
 Promote the protection of the rights of users.
 Report on the hours of operation of the center.
 Propose the suppression or establishment of local offices in the area and the periodicity of days of consultation in them.
 Propose and promote joint solutions to the environmental health problems of the area.
 Inform the Department responsible for Health on the adequacy of the physical structures, material endowments and templates of the area.
 Propose to the Department responsible for Health matters the modification of the health area, in accordance with the regulations governing the health map.
 Propose and report on any matter that is proposed by the team coordinator or institutions with sanitary responsibility in the health area.
 To gather as much information as is necessary for the fulfillment of its aims.
 The preparation of its internal operating regulations, for approval by the Department responsible for Health.
Who is part of the Zone Health Council?
The Zone Health Council is composed of:
 A representative of the city council where the health area is located; If it comprises more than one municipality, in addition to the representative of the town council, up to four other representatives, elected between and by the remaining municipalities that compose it.
 In the urban area, in addition to the representative of the city council where the health area is located, up to a maximum of three representatives of the district board may be included.
 A representative of the basic social services or public social services existing in the health area, designated by the corresponding municipalities.
 The coordinator of the primary care team.
 Two representatives of the team, elected by and among its members.
 A pharmacist with professional practice in the health area.
 A veterinarian practicing in the health area.
 Two representatives of trade union organizations, according to the criteria of professionalism according to Article 7 of Title III of the Organic Law of Freedom of Association.
 A representative of the school councils constituted in the health area.
 Up to a maximum of four representatives of citizens' associations residing in the health area, elected as follows:
 A representative of consumer associations and users, based in the area, if any, elected by and among its members.
 A representative of neighborhood associations, based in the area, if any, chosen by and between them.
 Representatives of other citizens' associations based in the area, elected by and from among its members, until the number of four foreseen for the whole representation of citizen associations is completed.
Current strategies for revitalizing Zone Health Councils
To stimulate the Health Councils of the Zone are held meetings where attendees, through participatory methodologies set the challenges and lines of the future.
In order to carry out improvement actions in this direction, a Monitoring Committee of the Zone Health Councils has been set up, composed of people from the General Directorate of Quality and Customer Service of the Aragon Health Service and belonging to organizations social. In turn, a Working Group of persons belonging to that Committee are involved in making the agreements operational by carrying out concrete actions.
The issues in which we are currently working are:
 How to involve the community in Zone Health Councils?
 What mechanisms should we introduce to improve the functioning of Zone Health Councils?
 How to influence the improvement of the quality of life of the community from the Zone Health Councils?
 How to promote Health Promotion and Health Education in the Community?
 How to optimize Communication Channels of Zone Health Councils?
 How to incorporate Its to enhance participation?

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